Dog Walks
Fresh water, playtime, administration of medicine (if required), changing of pads (if required), and walking time, Visit report after each visit via app..
If you are at work and need frequent midday and/or afternoon walks during the month, we offer SPECIAL prices when you schedule 15 or more dog walks during the same month. You don't need a fire-proof commitment, or to schedule all the walks at the same time... we set your account as "monthly biller" (you will receive one invoice at the end of the month) and the price of each walk will depend on the number of walks we provided during that month.
Are you ready to register your best friend with us to schedule your Complimentary Initial Consultation with your Team Leader?
15 minutes walk
15+ walks/month
$21 per walk
$3 each additional pet
Single walks: $23 per walk.
$3 each additional pet
30 minutes walk
15+ walks/month
$24 per visit
$4 each additional pet
Single walks: $27 per walk.
$4 each additional pet
45 minutes walk
15+ walks/month
$34 per visit
$5 each additional pet
Single walks: $37 per walk.
$5 each additional pet
60 minutes walk
15+ walks/month
$43 per visit
$6 each additional pet
Single walks: $48 per walk.
$6 each additional pet
Get a Quote
For a personalized quote please enter the information below and we will give you a call, we will answer any questions you might have and we will give you an EXACT total.